As VPN Usage Soars With Users Looking To Heighten Online Safety

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In the early days of the internet, very few people were familiar with the term VPN or what it stood for - and even as we moved forwards into the 2000s, there was still VERY little knowledge of VPNs. 
That's because the technology we've come to know and use for a variety of purposes was initially employed exclusively in business settings to ensure secure remote access to a private network for employees or other interested parties.
Fast forward to today and VPNs have made it into the mainstream. 
The golden age of VPNs started in the 2010s and since then accessing the internet via a VPN has become commonplace for the average user. 
What's more, an increasing number of people seem to embrace these services as time goes by. 
There's also a much greater variety of choices, so those who want to enhance their online safety and privacy can research and. 
It's obvious that VPNs are no longer an obscure technology limited to the corporate world, but still not many people know what changed in the meantime and why VPNs came to be such an important tool in the online space.
Now, we explore what's the best VPN for you...
As VPN usage soars with internet users looking to heighten online safety and privacy...

a look at which service is best for YOU and YOUR needs
VPN usage statistics and trends 
In order to get a better idea of how much VPN usage has increased over the years, we need to take a look at some recent statistics and trends in this respect.
It appears that almost 25% of all internet users have used a VPN to secure their internet connection at least once in the past month. 
Data provided by the Global VPN Adoption Index created by Atlas VPN shows that worldwide adoption of VPN services has increased considerably, with nearly 215 million VPN downloads registered in the first half of 2022.
According to most people use VPNs to increase their online security (80%), protect their personal information (66%), access public Wi-Fi (50%), and mask their internet activity (33%).

The survey also revealed that personal use of VPNs (77%) trumps business use (50%).
When it comes to devices, VPNs are mostly used on desktops and laptops (72%), but mobile devices are not far behind (69%). 
It's also important to note that while VPNs are wildly popular in the United States, where 66% of all people have used a VPN service at least once in their lives, the rest of the world is quickly catching up, with 33% of all internet users employing a VPN at the moment.
What's driving VPN popularity? 
Figures leave no room for doubt: VPNs are here to stay and they're growing in popularity by the day.

But what has been driving this steady increase in VPN usage in recent years? According to experts, there are multiple factors at play.
First, we have to take into account the fact that we're living in an increasingly digitalized world where access to the internet has become ubiquitous. 
As more people step into the online space and make use of digital solutions, their awareness of the dangers that reside in this environment also increases. 
Privacy and security have become major buzzwords at a time when cyberattacks are getting more widespread and sophisticated.
Also, the mere idea of having every move you make online tracked and analyzed by internet service providers, advertisers, institutions and governments is enough to convince people of the necessity of installing a VPN on all their devices. 
Therefore, we have a larger number of users who are not only interested in learning more about online security and privacy but are also taking concrete steps in this direction, and using a VPN is among those steps.
Technological advancements also helped a lot with the popularization of VPNs.

The internet became faster VPNs became easier and more convenient to use. 
The first-generation VPNs were not as effective as the ones we use today as their protocols and encryption standards have far improved since their inception. 
Apart from that, modern-day VPNs offer a variety of useful features and many of them have also paired up with antivirus software to internet users with complete online protection.
VPN use surged in the wake of the when a large number of employees were forced to transition to a work-from-home model. 
Since more people had to access company networks and resources to conduct their work-related tasks from afar, they started using VPN services to ensure their connections were safe.

Even today, a significant number of employees continue to work remotely, so VPNs have become a staple in the office software arsenal.
Another factor that plays an important role in the equation is represented by geographical restrictions. 
While geo-blocks have always existed on the internet, being imposed by certain businesses and companies to adjust their product/service offering and to comply with copyright laws and licensing agreements, they were never as prevalent as they are today. 
This means that internet users are restricted from accessing online content based on their geographical location. 
If many remained unbothered by these regulations, the immense popularity of such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus or Amazon Prime made consumers aware of geographical restrictions.
People grew more and more frustrated with the fact that the streaming services they had subscribed to wouldn't let them view certain titles simply because of their region of residence, and VPNs just happened to provide the perfect solution to their problem. 
With their ability to circumvent pesky geo-restrictions, VPNs soon became netizens' best friend and streaming services' worst nightmare, allowing users to stream all the movies and music they want regardless of their location.
So what's next? 
Given all the benefits they provide, VPN services are bound to continue their upward trajectory in the future.
As their usage and popularity keep expanding, we're also sure to see new features being implemented that will make these tools even more appealing and efficient than they are today.

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