Center Aid Health - Important Factors That Affect Optic Wish Health... Info Num 50 From 978

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If you are a smoker, stop now. You may already know that smoking causes lung damage, but you may not have known that it can cause damage to your eyes, reality shifting too. Anyone who smokes long term is at higher risk of eye damage. By stopping smoking, you can cut the risk of optic nerve damage and cataracts.

Keep your eyes protected when dealing with hazardous situations. In certain types of unclean or hazardous environments, you should keep your eyes protected by wearing safety goggles. These also include certain sports. Activities like lacrosse, ice hockey, or racquetball can cause eye injuries, which is why you should wear helmets that have built-in face masks or sports goggles.

Avoid glare when possible, including that from your electronic devices. Glare is a concentration of bright light, so you know it is not good for your eyes. If you are using your device where glare is an issue, you should purchase an anti-glare screen protector for your laptop, phone or tablet.

Make sure to consume copious amounts of Vitamin A during the course of the day. Vitamin A is great for helping to reduce the inflammation and irritation that you may feel, which can cause dryness. Foods that have high sources of this vitamin include carrots, chicken, potatoes, spinach and sweet potatoes.

Taking care of your eyes is crucial to your overall health. Unfortunately, most people aren't aware of what is needed to maintain eye health. You don't have to be someone who suffers bad eye health though, as you are about to read some critical information you can use.

Staring at a computer can cause a lot of strain on your eyes, which can lead to a number of issues, such as migraines, dry eyes, and difficulty seeing. This is why you need to take proper precautions when you know you are going to be on the computer for awhile. Be sure your computer is at a position in which your eyes are on the same level as the monitor and if possible, wear glasses.

Avoid looking at your computer screen for too long. Take a break every half hour to give your eyes a rest from the strain. Staring at your computer can cause dry eye because you do not blink as often, so make an effort to blink every 30 seconds while you are at your computer.

Keep water or a cool, damp cloth handy while working on your computer. As you focus on the computer, strain sets in easily. If you dab your eyes with water or a cool cloth, you can relieve the strain and help cool the eyes. This will help when spending long periods at work on the computer.

Stay active. You may not associate exercise with eye health, but the truth is, it increases circulation. That means there is often less pressure in the eyes. Plus, if you are in tune with your body, you will often know when something does not feel right. Get yourself checked out if you have any concerns.

Eat your vegetables. Living a healthy life is all about eating the right foods and avoiding the bad ones. Leafy green vegetables are packed full of Vitamin A and Vitamin E, which are very useful vitamins that help the body preform many of its necessary functions, such as repairing and replacing dead skin cells, thus preventing wrinkles and fine lines.

When selecting an eye care professional, do not skimp when it comes to doing your homework on each prospective doctor's qualifications. Check their educational background, certifications and licensure to ensure that everything is as represented. Doing these things will help you feel confident when it comes to entrusting the health of your eyes to someone new.

Eye care is so important, and the eyes are so fragile. Indeed, at the same time they are fragile, they need to be properly maintained in order for you to keep seeing into your old age. The following advice is going to educate you concerning eye care so that you're not left in the dark.

After reading this, you should be more knowledgeable when it comes to taking care of your eyes. Your eyes are an important part of your body, so making sure they are in good shape is of the utmost important. Use the advice above to avoid eye issues.

Make certain that the eye care professionals you visit are highly qualified to examine and prescribe whatever you may need for your eyes. Get recommendations from family and friends about the medical professionals that you should see. This helps you locate the best possible care for your eyes.

Wear protective eye gear. Sunglasses are great when it comes to protecting your eyes from the sun, but when you're on the job and need to protect your eyes from sawdust, debris, or sand make sure you wear tougher eye gear than just a pare of goggles. Goggles are a must-have for anyone working in these kinds of environments.

Be careful with computer use. If you use a computer a lot, you could be damaging your eyes. Make sure that you take a break from looking at the screen every half-hour. You can also be sure to position yourself so that you are looking down to see the monitor. These simple steps will help preserve your eyes.

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