Just How Much Does Mold Remediation Expense

De Wikifliping

The cost you should pay boils down to how much liability you want take on and what chances you want to take not to get sick.

Both issues lead to the different levels of costs:
Level one: " Cut it out"

This is the least expensive procedure and it simply means taking a knife and removing effected drywall or wall base. Simple and cheap but it has it's costs as well. See when you remove the effected wall, you will distribute mold spores through out the room and and possibly through out the house via the air ducts. So without " containing the mold spores may lead to future illness, complaints and sadly law suits.

Level Two: Contain it but no testing
A responsible mold remediation company will follow the IICRC S502 mold removal guidelines and create a temporary plastic wall and plastic room around the effected area. Adding a negative air pressure to the room and then removing spore contained air through a heap filtered machine outside, is the accepted practice and is expected by the US court systems. Although they are additional steps to this process, this is the main concept to prevent mold spores from traveling to other areas of the house. The question left is did we get all the mold spores and visible spores. Who says the location is healthy and free of legal issues? Let's go to the next level

Level Three: Testing
This is the entertaining part of this article, the testers. You see to become a "mold tester all you need to do ( if that ) is to take non licensed school course and presto you are a mold tester. Even if the tester sends the samples to an accredited lab, it's still questionable.

You see if the samples of mold were taken incorrectly then any reading will not be accepted by a judge. Remember that in legal situations an opposing attorney can find ways to question a non scientist taking samples

But hiring a scientist would be the way to test and the easiest way to do this, would be to hire an industrial hygienist ( IH ). An IH is accepted by most judges for their testing and actually IH's will take the liability of the situation leaving the reaming parties protected. Also those who are concerned about getting ill, should be more relieved that the correct person is watching the mold remediation situation.

Eco Pro Restoration
3315 Midfield Rd
Pikesville, MD 21208
(410) 645-0274

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