North Carolina Immigration Attorney Examines Utah 39;s Immigration Law

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NORTH CAROLINA - There are 11 million illegal immigrants in America.

With Congress' incapability of passing anti-immigration laws, people are resilient to the fact that they're not about to be deported any time now.

This is why seven states including Arizona, Georgia, Utah, South Carolina, Indiana, Tennessee and Alabama have decided to take the initiative of passing anti-immigration laws.

In the second part of his series about states' immigration laws North Carolina immigration attorney evansville indiana attorney Jonathan Bartell examined Arizona's law which was blocked in July 2010 by a federal judge.

Since it was presented other states have been looking into executing similar laws. In part four of the series Bartell is concentrating on Utah's law, which has presented a new method of dealing with the illegal alien problem.

"Utah lawmakers have acknowledged that as a society they don't have the power to eliminate illegal immigrants," says the attorney of immigration. "So they've decided to try to create a unique arrangement for them, with a number of pre-defined terms."

In March 2011 a Republican governor signed a package of immigration bills into law:
House Bill 116: Allows a guest-worker program beginning in two years that will permit illegal aliens to pay fines and stay in the state.
Utah's Department of Safety will issue visas to more than 110,000 undocumented aliens in the state. Immigrants would pay $2,500 for permits or pay $1,000 for overstaying a visa in the U.S.; families would be included in the permit. Applicants would have to go through a background investigation once they apply.
"Immigrants who qualify would have to pay a large sum of money to participate in the program and they can only work for one employer," the immigration asylum attorney says.

"It is more than likely that they will have poor working and living conditions. No one is overseeing this program, so we are essentially going backward in the labor movement."

House Bill 497: Requires that an officer confirm the immigration status of a person under arrest for a felony or serious misdemeanor charges.

House Bill 466: Creates a partnership with Mexico to bring guest workers to the state.

House Bill 469: States that Utah citizens may sponsor foreign nationals so they will be able to live in Utah.

"House Bill 466 is not rational," says Bartell, who provides assistance in obtaining an H1B green card.

"While Utah has an almost eight percent unemployment rate, legislators want to bring in guest workers from Mexico. I am a supporter of immigrants in the U.S. and believe they ought to have a chance to become legal citizens, but it's wrong to take available jobs from American citizens."

It's obvious that they've taken a realistic approach to anti-immigration, says Bartell.
But they are weakening the federal government by intending to engage them and compel them to pass immigration laws.

In May 2011, just one day before H.B. 497 was set to go into effect, a Utah federal judge blocked the law. The remainder of the package is set for implementation in 2013.

"I have not yet seen a state that has solved the immigration problem, although they all say they have the answer," says Bartell.

"It is crucial that we accept that these immigrants are going to stay here in the near future so we need to create a complete approach that offers those already in the country a route to becoming legal."

About The Law Firm of Jonathan A. Bartell
The Law Firm of Jonathan A.
Bartell is based in Cleveland, Ohio with satellite offices in Florida, Boston, Las Vegas, Scottsdale, Seattle, Houston, and North Carolina. Nationwide locations provide 24-hour attorney availability to help with immigration law and criminal issues.

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