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Sure you can easily stroll into just about any store and buy a lottery ticket. It's just that easy. That is just as it should be. Playing the lottery may be a fun and easy diversion with the possibility of a significant payoff. You, on the flip side, are a more serious player. The fact that you will be reading this shows that. You are motivated enough to wade through detailed information to learn to cut out the bad habits and practices and locate a better way to play the lottery in an intelligent manner. Here is a list of 10 too common mistakes that lottery players make. Almost every one of these items could be costing you ticket money, time, frustration, as well as perhaps even millions of dollars. Read them, take them to heart, and after that put them into practice.

Playing the Wrong Lottery Games

Have you ever really considered which games you play and why? How much money do you should win? What quantity of winnings would make an effect on your life? Here in Texas we have numerous different choices. You may play a big multi-state game like Mega-Millions with HUGE multi-million dollar payoffs though the unfortunate odds of only 1 chance in 175,711,536 of taking home the jackpot! Wow, that is one ticket for each of over half the people of the U.S.A.

In contrast the Texas Two-Step lottery prize begins at two hundred thousand dollars and it has often reached a million dollars. The odds of winning the smaller game will be just 1 in 1,832,600! By switching from the Mega-Millions game to the Texas Two-Step you enhance your chance of winning a

prize by over 95 times! Put one other way you would have to buy 95 Mega-Millions tickets to have the same odds of winning with one Texas Two-Step ticket.

In the area you live you can find probably the same choices between small games with small prizes like pick thee games, five and six ball games with mid-range payouts, and the huge multi-state games with incredible odds against you.

Playing Birthdays as Lottery Number Picks

Trust me, I know. You have a series of numbers that you have chosen based on your children's birthdays as well as the day you got married and also your mom and dad's wedding anniversary date. Bad move. Here is why.

Whenever you choose lottery numbers determined by meaningful dates you limit your choices to the number of days in a month. Put simply you are restricted to numbers from a pool of 1 to 31. As being an example of the problem in this method think of this. In the Texas Lotto game 6 numbers are drawn from a pool of 54 numbers. 54 numbers provide you with a whopping 25,827,165 possible combinations! When you decide on the pool of numbers starting from 1 to 31, how many combinations do you think you'll find to select from? There are actually a measly little 736,281. Think of that. Whenever you choose between 1 and 31 you get 736,281 possible combinations BUT you absolutely, positively lose out on another 25,090,884 possible combinations! Choosing birthday numbers decreases any chance of your having the winning combination by almost 97%. That is insane.

I know, you read about several men and women that chose birthday numbers and won millions. I also realize that your string of birthday numbers has EXACTLY the same chance of being drawn as any of the other 25,827,165 possible combinations. It's true, each combination has the same chance of being drawn. Yet, are you willing to cut out almost 97% of your possible winning chances? I am not prepared to give up virtually all of the possible winning combinations simply to use sentimental choices. My goal is to play smarter than that.

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