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So it's that time of year. Time to buy gifts for your pals and family yet again as the world all over celebrates this corporate, commercial, money-hungry, festive and generosity-filled holiday. Several of you might already have it all taken care of by now. Others might be last-minute shoppers like myself and believe that even now is just the start of the shopping season. Regardless which you fall under, there is bound to be at least a few more on your list to check off. In the article, we'll give you some ideas for gifts for anyone movie buffs you could have on your list.

Blu-Ray Player - Chances are your movie buff already has one of these within their collection. Alternatively, for anyone that don't a Blu-ray player is a great gift for the film buff in your life. Providing for a high-definition movie viewing experience, the movie buff within your life will love the immersion of watching movies online their favorite movies in pristine hi-def.

Everybody knows: popcorn goes with movies like jelly goes with peanut butter. And for some reason, kettle popcorn just tastes better. So why not bring that theater goodness in to the home of your favorite movie buff giving them the gift of snacks anytime they sit down to watch a movie at home. You may find many kettle popcorn makers for under $100. Any movie buff would find it cool to have their very own popcorn maker sitting in the corner of their room for access whenever they want to spend the evening watching movies (and trust me, they do this very often).

"Gaming" Chair - These provide the greatest comfort when sitting in front of the television for a film. With built-in speaker systems and ultimate comfort, there are a lot of stylish gaming chairs out there. Any movie buff would love one of these cool recliner/pedestal chairs to kick back and enjoy their movie-viewing experience. Not simply does it just flat-out look cool and are they comfortable, but they additionally provide more immersion with the speakers in the headrest and subwoofers built into the chair which make you rumble along with explosions on the screen.

Speaking of sound, if your movie buff does not already have one, a surround sound system will be a welcome addition to their home entertainment experience. Providing an immersion of sound to accompany their viewing experience, a surround sound system is an absolute must for just about any movie buff that is looking to make the most of the home entertainment experience. Simply, this will likely be a costly gift, however the movie buff within your life can be grateful.

Since we're mentioning essential components, a TV definitely falls in that range. Obviously your movie buff already has one, but they are never opposed to a brand new TV (and even just a secondary TV). Whether it be a smaller LCD TV to put within their room or perhaps an upgrade to a top-of-the-line brand new 3D TV, TVs often be welcome. Your movie buff would definitely love you for this. With the pushing of 3D TVs, they are a definite hot item too which most movie buffs within your life would more than happily take. Again even though, this is one of the more costly gifts, so anticipate to pay thousands for something like that.

You probably know this already, although the movie buff within your life probably has a really extensive collection of movies. A collection they love to proudly show off as well. Of-course such a collection can often become something of a beast that requires taming. Enter the realm of media storage. This actually comes in two forms as well: physical and digital. First we'll touch on the traditional physical form. This simply means cabinets and shelves. If the movie buff within your life does not already have the shelving for their collection, or is simply running out of shelf space, then a new shelf, rack or tower would be a practical and welcome gift for your movie buff in helping to tame that ever-growing collection and bring some order to it. Of course you have the digital front as well. This really is the exact same concept as storing all your music on your computer. Many businesses make devices specifically for media storage like this. You'll find even companies like Kaleidoscope and PrimeArray which create systems that serve as storage and servers. It indicates all movies are saved on a digital storage device. The cherry on top even though is that these devices then offer a means to share all that data across a network and have access to your entire movie collection with one click of a button on your remote. Having instant access to any movie within your collection without needing to get up and change out discs, etc. These however can usually get extremely expensive. Some even more costly than the TVs themselves. Though the techphile/cinephile within your life would love it.

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