The Construction Of Greek Theaters

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The incredible credit of dramas online goes to Greece (700 B.C).It was counted as the glorious era of Greece in field of education and culture.

The State of Athens had great importance in those days. The Dionysia was the festival used to take place in the honor of god Dionysus in Athens, the god of wine. In the festival, the drunken men played a part in the goat skin; they sang and played the choruses to welcome Dionysus.
There in, tragedy, comedy and satyr plays were performed. Greek tragedy was created in Athens around the period of 532 BC, and Thespis was traced as the earliest actor. In 'poetics', Aristotle notifies Thespis an actor to the chorus, and this figure was very legendary of that age.

Apart from it, Aeschylus added a second actor for exchange of dialogues between two characters. Sophocles added a third character and expanded the chorus from twelve men to fifteen.

As far as the theater of that time is concerned, the audience always liked open atmosphere .So, the Greek tragedies and comedies were performed out of the village in order to inhale fresh air and add more enthusiasm to watching.

(The early Greek plays were performed in the cities, but the performed places were little and suffocated, but the audience preferred to watch drama in open atmosphere):

The great dramas were performed in the Dionysus Theater in Athens. The sponsor of this theater was god Dionysus.
Next to the theater, there was a temple that was dedicated to god Dionysus. It witnesses the link between theater and religion. It means that the dramas were mostly religious based on virtue and vice, good and evil, punishment and the role of fate; but the main concept was entertainment and instruction. Even the dramatists used to perform injustice of gods before them.

The Structure of Greek Theater:

According to the division, the Greek theater was divided into four parts-----the Orchestra, the theatron, the Skene and the Parodos. All are described as is found in the diagram of theater:

01. The Orchestra:

Orchestra is a Greek word, and its verb is orcheisthai means 'to dance'.

It is literally known as the dancing place, circular type shaped at space level. It is a place for acting and is used for Chorus to dance, sing and work together with the actors. Nowadays, a group of musicians mostly sits in the space in front of the stage is called an orchestra.

It was also made of hard earth, but in the Classical period, some stages were paved with marbles and other material. The altar was also welcomed in the center of Orchestra. The Dionysus Orchestra in Athens was about 60 feet in diameter. So, this was the place of performance for chorus and actors before the audience as found on theatron.


The Theatron:

The theatron (Theatre) is known as the viewing place or a place where the spectators (audience) sit and watch the plays----tragedies, comedies or other religious festivals in Athens etc. In the Greek time, it was usually the part of the hillside overlooking the stage.
Initially, it was made of wood and later, of stones or marbles. The sitting places were arranged nicely. The front seats near the orchestra were reserved for the members of council and after that for youth and the remaining seats were for the labor or common people.

There was not any fee because the performance was made for entertainment.

03. The Skene:

If we take it literally, it means tent or hut; but it is now built as the large building made of stones and rectangular shaped behind the stage---well-decorated like religious places or palace used for actors to change their costumes and masks.

It was also the dressing room for actors, comprised of various doors used by the actors to make their exits and entrances through them.

04. The Parodos:

It is literally known as passage ways. They are paths used by actors and chorus for entrances and exits.

Apart from it, these paths were used by audience for entrances and exits after watching the performance of characters and chorus.

These Greek theaters were built on very wide place in order to accommodate the large number of audience and to form a big size stage as that the characters and chorus feel easy to perform their role before the audience.

The famous and ancient theaters of Greece are the theatre of Delphi and the theatre of Dionysius, Athens. In olden days, the theaters were in a small number that's why there was a large accommodation; but nowadays, the theaters are increased in number.

The Structure of Modern Greek Theaters or Stages:

After reading the different articles and viewing the different diagrams of the theatres, very broad difference is found in the structure of old and Modern Greek theaters.

According to the structure, the Greek theaters were divided into four parts----- Orchestra, Theatron, Skene and Parodos. The Orchestra was a circular area in the middle of the theater used for the performance of the Chorus, but nowadays, it is changed .There is also area to the side of the stage that is used for musical groups.
In the modern Greek, there is no link between the theater and religion that's why there is no altar (In ancient time, the altars were in the center of Orchestra for sacrifice in the religious festivals which were performed in the honor of god Dionysus).

The Theatron or the sitting place for the audience was drawn like semi- circle and curved down in the centre with a view to watching the characters straightforwardly.

Slowly and gradually, change took place and was considered as civilization which gave birth to so many fresh things:

i. In ancient Greek times, the people used to watch dram in thousands, but nowadays, the theaters have the space for one thousand persons.
Its major cause is the increase of number of theaters. In olden days, the seats were made of stones, and the audience used to bring cushions for feeling rest, but in the modern era, the seats are padded which help the audience to watch drama easily.

ii. In the ancient Greek, the tickets were issued to audience to enter the theater were made of ivory without any cost.

The same system of ticket is found in the Modern Greek theaters for revenue and benefit. It means the theaters were for entertainment but not for revenue and benefit.So, the importance is given to earn great amount.

iii. As far as the arrangement of seats is concerned, they were divided into three stages.
The last stage was reserved for the working class. The same thing is found in the modern theaters wherein the last seats at the back are the cheapest and reserved for the working class.

iv. If we talk about women in the ancient Greek, they were considered as the second class citizen and were not allowed in the theater at any time, but in the modern society, the women have the same right as is to men. If she had enough money, she could sit wherever she liked.

v. The ancient Greek theaters were built in open air and the builders used curved sides for the seating areas, and this technique is also found in the modern theaters. The modern theaters have roofs which protect the performance from any bad weather or calamity.
Apart from it, they achieve good revenue and profit. Today, the theaters are built in flat urbanized areas, and it is known as the commercial point in order to achieve good revenue and profit.


In ancient Greek time, there were a few facilities for the actors. For example: Cranes were used for lifting the actors into the air and a trolley was used to roll on the stage. Today, flash lights, smoke, electronic sounds, microphones and all modern facilities are introduced in order to perform great adventures and to save the life of actors from such awful scene.

The Skene is already discussed above that the building at the back of the ancient Greek theaters that was used by the actors to change their dresses. Apart from it, all the accessories used in theaters were stored there, and it was used as the background of any scenery.
In the modern Greek theaters, it is known as the dressing room, but it is not used for scenery. Apart from it, the theatre has parodos for the entrances and exits of actors as well as the audience. Indeed, these are the doors of luck for all based on giving and learning.

The audience enters having given up the external world and totally depends on the actors' or the enactment of drama. Simultaneously, the actors enter with a view to bringing novelty in their world with the extolling of the audience.

The modern Greece has a good quantity of theaters and concert halls.

In case of stage, the concert halls are well decorated having flat stage with marvelous roof. Apart from it, the famous theaters of Greece are Theatre of Dionysus, Athens, Odeon of Herodes Atticus, Athens, Theatre of Delphi, Phocis, Theatre of Thebes, Thebes, Theatre of Corinth, Corinthia, Epidaurus Ancient Theatre, Dodona Ancient Greek Theatre, Theatre of Sikyona, Theatre of Thera, etc.Besides, there is a new introduction of Black Theater happened in 2014 and originated by director Orpheus Chatzidimitriou.

In this kind of theater, the performance of actors is in front of a blacked-out scene and black light is prevailed, accompanied by on line music. It is just for the circus performers and jugglers; they hang themselves in front of the blacked out background for an artistic effect.
In this circus, atleast, 35 actors take place and invisible or behind the curtain narrators narrate the performance.Indeed, it is borrowed from Asia.

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