The Little Known Secrets To Divorce Services

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Divorce procedures in Hong Kong are governed by the Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (MCO), which outlines the prerequisites and procedures for obtaining a divorce in Hong Kong. The MCO applies to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples, and it is in line with the principle of no-fault divorce.

As a way to obtain a divorce in Hong Kong, one of the parties must file a petition for divorce with the court. The petition has to be filed within the court where one of the parties is domiciled or resident. The petition must include the personal information from of both parties, as well as the grounds for the divorce.

The grounds for divorce in Hong Kong are in accordance with the principle of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. Therefore one of the parties must prove that the marriage has broken down irretrievably. The grounds for divorce are:

- Adultery: This really is when one of the parties has engaged in extramarital sexual relations.

- Unreasonable behavior: This is when one of the parties has behaved in such a way that the other party cannot reasonably be expected to live with them.

- Desertion: This is when among the parties has abandoned another for at least 2 years.

- Separation: This really is in the event the parties happen to be living separately for at least 24 months, and both parties agree to the divorce.

- Separation: This really is when the parties have been living separately for at least three years, regardless of whether both parties agree to the divorce.

After the petition for divorce is filed, the court will set a date for the very first hearing. The very first hearing is called the "directions hearing" and it is used to set the schedule for the divorce proceedings. The court will likely make any necessary interim orders, such as orders for maintenance, child custody, and access to the matrimonial home.

After the directions hearing, the court will set a date for the final hearing. The final hearing is where the court could make a decision on the divorce and any related issues, such as property division, upkeep, and child custody.

In Hong Kong, property acquired during the marriage is regarded as joint property, and is subject to division upon divorce. The court will consider factors such as the length of the marriage, the contributions of each party, and also the needs associated with any children when dividing property.

Child custody and support will also be important issues that can be considered during a divorce in Hong Kong. The court will consider the best interests of the child, and the fitness of each parent, when making a decision on child custody. The court may also order the non-custodial parent to pay child support.

It's also very important to remember that in Hong Kong, the divorce process may be relatively lengthy and costly. The divorce process will take several months or even years to accomplish, and also the cost of the divorce may be substantial, especially should the parties can't reach an agreement on the terms of the divorce.

Aside from that, In Hong Kong, it's mandatory for the parties to participate in a mediation session before proceeding to the court. Mediation is a process through which a neutral third party, referred to as a mediator, helps the parties reach an agreement on the terms of their divorce. This is a good way to resolve disputes and reach an amicable agreement rather than going throughout the court process.

In conclusion, divorce procedures in Hong Kong may be a long and complicated process, but it is mandatory for the parties to participate in a mediation session before proceeding to the court. It is necessary for both parties to understand the legal process and their rights and responsibilities.

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