Top Reasons Why Touch Free Spa Treatments Can Be The Future Of Wellness Industry

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With the onset of the recent pandemic, the world is experiencing a novel approach towards everything.

Fitness, health and wellness industry are introducing automatic spa treatments. People do not need therapists to do messages.

The wellness centers have to take measures to put safe distance between the clients and the staff. As per Beth McGroarty, the Global Wellness Institute's vice president of research, certain wellness centers are focusing on treatments that can be done with negligible intermediation or without any practitioner.

For instance, infrared sauna, float tank, cryotherapy machine, and so on.

Reduction of labor costs:

Most of the wellness centers struggle to meet the high labor cost. The new touch free message technologies have helped in reducing the labor cost.
Gradually, more equipments are coming that hardly need any person to operate. Clients can operate the machines themselves.

Presenting some statistics that we have gathered from various reliable sources:

2021 iSpa U.S. Spa Industry Study, recently, has stated that the number of spas has decreased by 3.9%.

Unfortunately, the spa industry went through a loss of $7 billion in revenue. The visits to the spas have declined b around 35.1 %. Again, the total employment reduced by 20.6%.

The studies also revealed that after reopening the centers, the treatment times got cut down for letting in cleaning and sanitization. But, the restrictions are slowly easing.
The experts are expecting the market of global spa services to reach $180,273 billion by the year 2026.

The New York Times, in the month of August 2020 published a story concerning the way massage therapists were re-evaluating methods to touch the clients remotely.

Many of them started teaching people via Zoom how can one do acupressure treatments on self. Besides, there were online meditation and stretch sessions.

Touchless spa systems are gaining popularity:

With the restriction of touches while messaging or doing certain treatments, more people are going for the touchless spa treatments.
Again, the sedentary lifestyle infuses toxins in the body, leading to weight gain and other diseases. The touchless spa treatments done solely by machines are the newest and the safest way to get rid of the body toxins and pollutants, and give high-end results.

Clients are getting complete satisfaction and repeating the treatments for a refreshed, toned and rejuvenated body as well as mind.

The spa world is initiating programs focusing on overall wellness through fitness, nutrition, natural supplements, relaxation, and meditation. The menu involves energy healing, sound bath, cryo therapy, red light therapy, lymphatic compression massage spa kapitolyo, and so on. These treatments hardly require any professional to touch the client.

Again, private sauna, steam bath rooms, cold plunges sessions, etc. are strictly restricted to solo use at a time.

The touchless spa system is here to stay:

As the preference for zero touch treatments are growing day by day, the researchers are developing more advanced and innovative gadgets to give the best results to the clients.
More number of people are understanding the benefits and safety protocols of the touch free environment.

A globally recognized company named Chanel launched Lipscanner. Here, one can snap a picture of anything like a shoe, flower, etc. The app finds out the lipstick shade closest to that picture and let the person try the shade virtually.

This helps the customer to choose the perfect shade and make a purchase.

Similarly, the touch free wellness spa centers are launching new services that don't require any manual touch. Cryo wellness spa, body transformation packages, vibro acoustic lounge, etc.

are including in the list and clients are enjoying the holistic benefits without any side effect.

Repeated clients:

Most people who used to visit spas likely to repeat going back to the same centers for the same treatment because of the extraordinary benefits.

So, the centers are adopting the new norms and regulations for stopping the spread of virus. These centers are reducing the types of treatments demanding touch, and updating their systems with alternatives including relaxation pods, automated messages, hydrothermal bathing, inhalation therapy, and such.
The clients can alter speed, duration, and pressure of the treatments by themselves in their chambers.

Development of hybrid models:

Recently, many beauty and wellness centers are combining traditional spa treatments with touch-free applications.

Clients are getting their facials, manicure, or pedicure in new hybrid way. There is minimal difference in result bestowed by the touchless treatments in comparison to the traditional therapies. Guests are enjoying their spa time to the fullest and experiencing the new-age advancement.

The quality of all the touchless spa treatments is extraordinary, as top-class machines and products are used.

Therapists are always available:

A touch free spa session doesn't mean the clients don't communicate with specialized therapists. In fact, the professionals remain in the centers, and help the clients in many ways. But, both maintain all the safety protocols and act accordingly with touching too much.
Touchless treatments have huge potential and can make a spa successful and stand out in the wellness industry. The touch free system has brought profit for both the spa centers and the clients.

Author bio:-
Michael Dent, is a professional and experienced advocate of alternative and preventive health products and concepts. Besides, he owns a kid's yoga company and his yoga teachers have taught more than 14,000 children throughout Baltimore.

He also educated teachers and parents about creating mindfulness. Michael started Touch Free Wellness Spa to offer holistic approaches for healthy management of mind, body, and spirit through cutting-edge technologies. Connect with via website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.

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