Two Friendly Alternatives To Traditional Epoxy Flooring For Your Garage

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For years, epoxy was the coating of choice for garage floors.
Indeed, Epoxy Flooring qcs 2014 coating does have a number of benefits. However, it also has some disadvantages. It sometimes resists adhering in moist areas. It tends to fade and discolour over time. It can also take up to several days to completely cure, leaving your garage unusable in the mean time.

Garage flooring in particular must be able to withstand a variety of particularly stringent conditions. It must be able to hold up under the weight, heat, moisture and emissions of any vehicles parked on it. It must be durable enough to stand up to the things that garages are uniquely subjected to, like wear and tear from bicycles, dropped tools, leaking containers of chemicals and cleaners and the moving around of boxes, tools and furnishings.

It must also be relatively easy to clean and maintain and last for several years in order to be truly cost-effective. The drawbacks of traditional epoxy flooring lead researchers to develop better, more convenient floor coatings. Today there are a variety of garage floor coverings available, and these two are favorites among home builders and renovation professionals: 1) PremierOne floor coating: PremierOne Floor CoatingPremierOne Floor Coating in "Sedona" large chip style. This particular garage floor coating is similar to traditional epoxy flooring in that it is applied in a similar manner.

However, PremierOne has been engineered to cure to a hardness twice that of traditional epoxies. It is also up to two times thicker, making it more durable and longer-lasting. It is also treated with a UV resistance so it does not fade like traditional epoxies. PremierOne must be installed correctly in order to achieve best results.

Professional installers should start by machining your clean garage floor. This process removes dirt and contaminants, opening up the porous surface of the concrete. This allows for maximum adhesion and a permanent chemical bond to occur with the surface of the floor.

The coating fills all of the pores, creating a surface that is resistant to dirt and bacteria and will prevent any liquids from penetrating into the concrete. 2) Flexible flooring tiles: Flexible Tile Flooring from Tailored LivingFlexible Tile Flooring in gray and red installed in a garage by Premier Garage Unlike what you might think of when you hear "tiles," flexible flooring tiles aren't rigid.

They're typically made from a mix of plastic and rubber to form squares, or tiles, that are flexible enough to work with, but hard enough to resist the wear and tear that is common to garage floors. PremierFlex and SwissTrax are two types that are especially durable and ideal for the garage.
Flexible flooring tiles have several advantages. They're extremely easy to install: simply lay them over the existing concrete sub-floor, cutting tiles to fit corners. There is no gluing or nailing necessary, and no curing time is required.

Your garage floor can be used immediately after installation. Removal is just as easy, in case you move and want to take your tiles with you. Flexible floor tiles are easy to clean and come in a variety of colors that can easily be mixed and matched to create eye-catching patterns.
They can also be used in other areas of the home, like playrooms, and can even be used outdoors.

Terry Yakiwchuk is a home-organization expert and owner of Tailored Living and Premier Garage, Vancouver, BC. Terry and his team of experts can set you up with that is customized to fit your personal needs.

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