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De Wikifliping

With the surge in popularity of the likes of YouTube and other online Video sites, it's no real surprise that a great deal of people try and watch videos online daily. Alternatively, if you're trying to load up a video and find that it's unable to run as smoothly as is possible (it takes a while to load or keeps buffering), there's actually a really simple fix that even a beginner can use to make your online videos load up in seconds.

The first thing you may need to be sure of is that your Internet access is fine. Many people try and watch large movies online and don't realize that you truly must have quite a fast Internet access as a way to do that. Watching a video requires your PC to download the clip to your system whilst its playing it, and if your computer doesn't have a fast enough Internet connection to do that, then you're going to find out your videos load slowly. You should first click onto Google and after that look for "Broadband Speed Test" and click the first link. This tends to load up a speed test website that could tell you how fast your connection is. If it's below what you are paying for, in which case you should speak to your ISP (Internet Service provider) about it.

If your Internet access is fine, then you should also make sure that your "Flash Player" is installed and operating correctly. To do this, you should first uninstall Flash player through your PC by clicking on Start > Add / Remove Programs / Adobe Flash Player. It will remove the Flash files through your computer, as many of them tend to become corrupt or damaged, and after that you may just download a whole new version of the player from Adobe's website. Flash Player is free full movies online (the original source) and is widely available to all who may wish to use it, and it's necessary to play YouTube videos. One problem with it is that it often gets corrupted or damaged, causing your PC to become slow and unresponsive when reading a YouTube video. This is what makes many computers load online movies slowly.

If those do not work, the most beneficial trick for speeding up your YouTube videos is to use a "registry cleaner". They are software program which scan through your PC and fix any of the damaged or corrupted settings that can be inside it. One of the biggest reasons why Windows runs slow is simply because the registry is really becoming extremely damaged and corrupted, causing your computer to become less able to read the files it needs, slowing it down. This is a major problem because it makes your computer less able to read the files it takes to run a YouTube video, making your PC run extremely slowly as it takes longer to process the settings it needs. This is actually a very common issue which can be fixed by utilizing a "registry cleaner" to scan over the registry database and fix any of the damaged or corrupted settings that can be inside it.

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