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Even though the aroma of fresh popped popcorn and a darkened theater with a towering wide screen lures us to see new movie released films, most of us still view much more movies at home than at the theater. With the introduction of online movie rental and movie downloads nearly ten years ago, the selections offered by the local video store are not the only options viewers have for their home entertainment.

Aside from the improved affordability, movie fans enjoy watching movies at home as a result of convenience. With busy lives that keeps us on the job as well as on the road, time spent relaxing at home will be at a premium and any service that allows us to enjoy that time without additional complexity or effort is extremely prized. With this in mind, which of these movie services provides the most value for the home viewer?

Traditional video stores can be convenient for some last minute movie picks; or at least convenient if a person lives within a few blocks of the store. If a person suddenly decides at 5:30 pm. that there is time to squeeze in a showing of the most recent Harry Potter flick with the children, then it is certainly easy to get to and from the store and be ready to view in a half an hour. This assumes of course that the store will have a copy of the Blu-ray available in house at the time it is being sought.

If Harry isn't at the local video store, then browsing over the remaining films and examining the Blu-ray cases may offer a hint as to just what the family might enjoy. After the movie, the viewer will then have at least a few of days to shuttle back to the shop and return the film before incurring any late fees.

Movie downloads are among the newer options. Especially, downloading a movie can allow viewers to determine at the last minute to view Harry Potter, or some other movie, as well. Just a quick 5 minute visit to the download site on line to select and initiate the download allows viewers to remain at home throughout the process. Most films require approximately per hour to download based on connection speed. The good news however is the fact that many movie downloads are capable of allowing viewers to begin watching the movie only a matter of minutes in to the download process.

There isn't any be worried about returning rented movies that are downloaded or any late fees. Upon download, viewers have a specified period of time by which to watch the movie before it expires. Movielink for example allows movies to be stored for up to 30-days. Perhaps the one drawback for many movie downloads is the fact that they often has to be viewed on a PC rather than a television unless viewers have a connection between their PC and television. The future however, may provide greater flexibility as legal movie download services could be better positioned to allow burning movies to Blu-ray as some of the digital rights management issues are being addressed with movie studios.

Online movie rental services can certainly ease the process of selecting and obtaining movies. Users will go online and select from over 75,000 titles, nearly five times the range of titles offered in a local video store. Here users can create a number of movies in advance that will automatically arrive at their door. Movies requested generally arrive within 1 to 2 business days once they are requested. Users merely stick the Blu-rays within an envelope for the mailman to pick up once they are ready to return them; and only when they are ready to return them. You will find no due dates and no late fees either. The most evident drawback to this system is for all those viewers who do not decide they possess the time to view a film until earlier that same day. Mail delivery doesn't allow such last second decisions.

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