What You Should Bonk Well-nigh Quietus Apnea... Information Num 6 Of 94

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People who suffer from snoring know who annoying it can be. People who sleep with a snorer really know! But were you aware that there is an even more intense form of snoring that actually carries some heavy health risks? This is known as sleep apnea; read more about it in this article.

If you use a CPAP machine, make sure the mask fits well. Most people who quit using their CPAP machine usually say it is because the machine is uncomfortable. There are a number of different masks available, so you are not forced to use one that causes discomfort. Try out many different styles to find the right one.

Did you know there are exercises that you can do to reduce your sleep apnea? Throat exercises are a great way to reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. Try pressing the tongue against the floor of your mouth. Use a toothbrush to brush the tongues tops and sides. Repeat this exercise three times a day for five repetitions.

Try to avoid sleeping at high altitudes. High altitudes can worsen sleep apnea. The air in high altitudes is much thinner and, consequently, more difficult to breathe. Sleep apnea is already causing your body to take in less oxygen at night. A high altitude environment can only exacerbate your condition.

If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from sleep apnea, you need to avoid caffeine and large meals before you go to bed. Stop eating and drinking any caffeinated beverages at least two hours before you go to bed. Both of these are linked to sleep apnea and should be avoided before bedtime.

If you have sleep apnea and dreams use a CPAP machine to sleep at night, consider buying a marine battery as a backup power source. When you have sleep apnea, it is important that you use your CPAP any time you sleep. If your power should go out for any reason, you will still be able to use your CPAP at night using the battery hook up.

Stop smoking for relief from sleep apnea. Smoking causes swelling in the upper airway, which makes sleep apnea worse. Try going cold turkey. The first month is hard, but after that it becomes easier. Once you are over that, you shouldn't have as much trouble with cravings, as the nicotine has started leaving your body.

Lose the extra weight. Research has shown that losing weight can dramatically improve your sleep apnea symptoms. Losing a few pounds can reduce the amount of pressure on your neck as you sleep, a primary cause of sleep apnea. Some people were even able to completely cure their apnea using this method.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, it is vital to avoid consuming alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol acts as a sedative, therefore, it will naturally slow down your breathing. In addition, it will relax all the muscles in your body, including those in your throat that help to keep your airway open.

One great way to track your sleep progress, especially if you sleep alone, is by recording yourself in the night. The next day you can watch for signs of apnea and see if there are specific times or triggers that cause the apnea. This is a great resource for your medical professional as well.

Try out other options besides sleeping pills. Sleeping pills will just make you snore more by relaxing the muscles in the throat. They can also contribute to a large variety of things that are problematic to those who suffer from sleep apnea. There are ways to get to sleep that won't have a negative effect on your breathing; ask your doctor for advice.

If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine at night, consider using saline nasal spray. The continuous airflow being pushed through your nose every time you sleep can cause your sinuses to dry out. Keep them hydrated by using two pumps of saline nasal spray in each nostril morning and night.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can be improved by losing weight if you are obese. Losing about 25 pounds can dramatically improve this condition. For some people that will cure the problem, for others it may just help improve the symptoms that you are experiencing. Try to eat healthy and make sure to get enough exercise every day.

The first thing you should do if you discover you have sleep apnea is take a long look at your weight. If you are overweight that can be increasing the problem. That means you need to take some time to learn about weight loss and exercise. Not only will your sleep improve, but your whole life will.

Don't drink alcohol, especially at night. The reason most people drink alcohol is to relax, but it also causes the muscles that control your airways to relax as well. When you go to sleep with ultra-relaxed airway muscles, it can make your sleep apnea symptoms worse. Do your body and your wallet a favor and cut out the booze.

If you have tried a number of less drastic sleep dream apnea treatment options, meaning you might want to consider discussing surgical treatment options for the condition with your primary care physician. Sleep apnea treatment surgery often involves increasing the diameter of your airway in an effort to reduce the number of apnea episodes that you experience.

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