With No End In Sight To The Rail Strikes That Have Crippled The Country Fuller Smith Turner Boss Simon Emeny Is A Man On Edge

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With no end in sight to the rail strikes that have crippled the country, Fuller, Smith & Turner boss Simon Emeny is a man on edge.
The pub chain was on course to make a full recovery following the Covid pandemic, perkily telling investors in June it was delighted to see the return of workers and tourists back to central London.
But just six months on and the company is back in doldrums, serving up a fresh profit warning.
Profit warning: Pub chain Fuller's was on course to make a full recovery following the pandemic, but just six months on and the company is back in doldrums
‘Frustrating,' was how the weary chief executive described the situation. ‘Since the start of October, we estimate that industrial action has reduced our sales by some £4million and the impact on profitability means that we now expect to report earnings below market expectations for the full year.'
Prior to the warning sales were expected to grow 29 per cent to £327million, not far off the £333million revenue figure reported in 2019-20 before Covid struck.
The results are a blow and highlight what a dire state the hospitality sector is in, with experts warning that the militant rail action cost bars, pubs and restaurants at least £1.5billion in December.
Fuller's is especially vulnerable because 40 per cent of its 400 pubs are in London. 
The company relies on the after-work trade - those nipping in for a pint at about 6pm before taking the train home - as well as shoppers and theatre-goers in the West End.
RELATED ARTICLES Share this article Share HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP Shares in the 178-year-old company fell 3.9 per cent, deneme bonusu or 19p, to 475p.
And there could be worse to come, with further strikes planned for February 1 and February 3 by members of Aslef, bit.ly the train drivers' union.
Russ Mould, analyst at AJ Bell, said: ‘With more train strikes on the cards, there is little that Fuller's can do apart from hope.

There is a chance of catching up with some of the lost earnings later this year.
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